1st day of PWA Freestyle Competition Sotavento
Sarah-Quita Offringa with the sailnumber ARU-91 presented the most difficult freestyle show ever sailed by a lady. She slided through spocks, esliders, punetas and flakas on her EVO 80. Daida Moreno had no chance to win the final heat.
In the men´s elimination the boys from Bonaire and El Yaque dominated. Kiri, Tonky and Gollito. In between the last four sailors the french Shaka guru Anthony Ruenes fought for the victory of the first single elimination. Gollito dominated the final against Tonky. His style was fast and fluid. Burners, fast solid moves in all directions and massive jumps. Tonky had a great day and landed a massive willyskipper hooked in the harness and one hand off waving to the crowds, judges and his fanclub. Kiri sailed strong in the small final and landed on the third place.
In the late afternoon arond 17.00 the double elimination got started.