4 eliminations
All started relatively fine yesterday. I got two times 7th in my heat and felt comfortable. But in the third race of the day, the wind had picked up over 25 knots, I was close to get in fifth position, but lost my boom somehow at the second last leg and got passed by two sailors. In race numner 4 I got punished. Fully overpowered on the Code Red R2 6,6 and my Isonic 101 with the MFC 36 I went on 13th position to the first mark, we went for halffleet (21 participants) starts, but crashed, crashed, crashed and crashed again. 4 crashes in one race. What a desaster. My gear worked great, but I worked bad. In the moment I am placed on the 32 position, just inside the points. Hope we go for some more races that I can show better sailing performance. After a long cold day we went to the Sylter Welle, where you can swim in warm water pools.
All the best.
relaxing after racing in the “Sylter Welle”