5th time here at the PWA worldcup Sylt

We drove up through Austria, Czech Republic and Germany to make it to the most Northern island. It´s the fifth time driving up from Austria to Sylt. The weather sitution has not changed from last years to this year. Cloudy, little short rainfalls and onshore wind, which produces some beachbreak and a lot of choppy water further out. But it´s cool to meet friends and definitely worth to show up here.

I brought all my three registered iSONICS in 122, 101 and 86, Code Reds in 8,8/ 8,1/ 7,0/ 6,2 and 5,4 and a lot of masts, booms and extensions. The shorebreak can be extremely hard and a big punishment here at Westerland!

The Slalom races could start tomorrow around 11:00. Let´s see, if the wind will be strong and steady enough. Should be on the lighter side. I hope I can make a good result at the end of the PWA season. If there should be no competition, I will be at my sponsors tents in the pit walk. Just pass by and let´s have a talk about the new 2010 products. I already had the chance to test them at the René Egli Pro Center and while the importers- dealersmeeting 2 weeks ago.

Below are some impressions of today,


On the stage with the Austrian crew, Manuel Zugsbratl left and Rossi on the right (Pic: Kerstin Reiger)

On the stage with the Austrian crew, Manuel Zugsbratl left and Michael "Rossi" Roßmeier on the right (Pic: Kerstin Reiger)

With Florian Lachauer from APM at the Starboard 2010 tent (Pic: Kerstin Reiger)

With Florian Lachauer from APM at the Starboard 2010 tent (Pic: Kerstin Reiger)

At the 2010 Starboard/ Severne/ Airush importers/dealersmeeting (Pic: Kerstin Reiger)

A view back: at the 2010 Starboard/ Severne/ Airush importers/dealersmeeting (Pic: Kerstin Reiger)