A day like in a dream
The day started early around 6:50. Together with Didi, a surfer dude, we went down to Maspalomas, where a nice break was up. Didi waxed the 6´4″ fish for me and the show was on. Unexperienced in surfing and not on a paddleboard for a while I really got impressed by myself. I could manage to ride some waves and did not end up on the rocks. The tide went up at 10:00 and the wind got too strong. As well a big cloud of rain showed up at the Faro of Maspalomas. We left, but Kerstin got some shots, which proofed my rides.
In the afternoon the northeaster picked up and big swell arrived in Pozo. For sure 2 m high waves, which makes it tricky in the small bay. Jonas Ceballos, Eleazar Sanchez and Dario Ojeda sailed at Pozo and landed quite tough tricks. 360ties upwind and downwind and big waveridings, which was quite risky because of the lack of wind. Felt like in a windsurfing movie. I was on my 5,3 Gator and EVO 80. After 5 minutes out there I got ripped hard by a massive set, but could land a sweet backloop later. Stoked!!
Surfing Maspalomas (shot by Kerstin Reiger).
Surfing Maspalomas again, got more than one wave, hihi (shot by Kerstin Reiger).
The setup, Fish 6´4″ and Fish himself (shot by Kerstin Reiger).