Private coaching, trainings & instructor courses – Book me now!
Lake Neusiedl is my home spot. It’s a shallow sweet water lake. You can touch the ground almost everywhere on the lake, what gives you a safe feeling and helps when learning the beach start or waterstart for instance.
I will run together with Mission to Surf a windsurfing teacher instruction week in April 2019 in Podersdorf, Lake Neusiedl.
If you would like to join the week, please contact me! Detailed infos about prices are here.
I will run several Jibing trainings and Freestyle beginner trainings throughout the season 2019. Detailed dates will be announced here soon.
Feel free to contact me to book private lessons or specific trainings, from the Beach start to the Loop. I promise to improve your level even with one lesson and guarantee great fun on land and on the water! I offer single and group coaching.

Fun is the key to learn quicker (Pic: Didi Raditsch)

Land training

Coaching with the simulator (Pic: Didi Raditsch)

Discussions on land about gear

Light wind schooling

Coaching motivated groms

Coaching in the water