Sylt and the PWA tour 2009 are done
Sylt was tough! Wind, waves and massive rainfall. I definitely struggled while racing, but felt much better than in all the years before. But my result did not proof it. The final points I got for the 48th position were another discard. I lost 3 positions in the overall ranking and felt back from 24th to 27th position.
But it was definitely worth to come to Sylt. I had some trainings sessions in the rough North Sea and could watch awesome wave and freestyle action.

Back from the Slalom heat (Pic: Kerstin Reiger)
While the Sylt event we had the PWA meeting and there are some cool new developments around the corner. Let´s see, if the plans can be realised.

Prparations before the start (Pic: Michael Schwartz)
On the upcoming weekend the Austrian Nationals will be held at Lake Neusiedler and the windforecast looks good. I am already excited to get a good result done.