Back in Austria
We saw no results in South Korea, but it was definitely worth to go there. I could test my new Code Red 08 9,0, meet my teammembers and train many hours on the water. While the first days it was tough. A lot of rubbish and seaweed and dangerous ropes under the water. I really had bad crashes. But had luck not to crash gear or parts of my body. I just ripped some skin off my shoulder and face. The heat 2, I was in, got started two times and gave me the chance to practice starting. We did not get the chance seeing some other locations than Jinha beach. Last year we had been driving to a Buddhist temple one afternoon. That was a great trip!
Now I am back to Austria. The spring shows his colours and a lot of work has to be done. The next Slalom 42 event will be started on the 10th of June at the sandy beach of Costa Brava.
The Pritchard komplex. But it´s off already. (shot by Kerstin Reiger)