Canary Islands 2019 – a windy summer trip
Traveling to the Canary Islands is always as sensation. Wind, waves, Papas Arrugadas, warm weather, friends, surfing lifestyle, freedom. The 2019 trip was a working, filming, writing and windsurfing adventure. The trade winds were on almost all the time and unexpected swells hit the islands during summertime. Kerstin and I enjoyed every day. Some sessions at Gran Canaria’s east coast and in Fuerteventura’s south are still in our memories. I used sails from 3.7 to 4.2 and a 80 liter wave board all the time. Kerstin was on 3.2m, 3.7m or 4.0m and 72 liters. Once I even jumped on 72 liters and 3.2m and on a really light flat water day the 4.7m was the right choice… The Canary Islands are a windy area during the summer months in July and August.
Kerstin in the clear waters of Fuerteventura, on Starboard Boujmaa Guilloul’s Pro Model 2018 with Maui Ultra Fins, Challenger 4G 3.2m 2019 & Aeron boom 140 Carbon slim 2019
Riding south swell in Arinaga, Gran Canaria, on Starboard Ultra Kode 80 2018 with K4s, Challenger 4G 4.2m 2019 & Aeron boom 140 Carbon slim 2019
Jorge, Kerstin and myself (Photo: Justyna Sniady)
Risco fun in a late afternoon session, on Starboard Ultra Kode 80 2018 with MauiUltraFins/Drake, Challenger 4G 4.2m 2019 & Aeron boom 140 Carbon V-Grip 2019
Sunrise and low tide at the beachfront in the old part of Pozo Izquierdo
A cutback in the early afternoon in Gran Canaria, on Starboard Ultra Kode 80 2018 with K4s, Challenger 4G 4.2m 2019 & Aeron boom 140 Carbon slim 2019 (Photo: Kerstin Reiger)
On the ferry to Fuerteventura (Photo: Kerstin Reiger)