Finally some wind
This time I decided to sail in Weiden, not in Podersdorf. There were some reasons for: the young Austrian freestylers were battling it out in their freestyle jam and I wanted to watch them. On the other hand it´s nice to sail at other spots once on the lake. The wind was shifty, but fine for the 9,0. In the beginning I had not enough downhaul and I really felt that I did not sail for more than a week. You really quick loose the feeling for your gear and the water and I lost a lot of tension in my body, too. After half an hour and some retuning of the gear it got better and better. But I´m convinced that the 9,0 sailsize is only necessary when most of the guys stop moving out there on the water. It´s a real lightwind weapon, together with the 48 Canfire in the 122. When the wind gets a bit too strong I have troubles to sheet in all the time. The sail opens and I loose speed. The small waves push the board and it´s even harder to keep the sails in a stable position. I really want to work on keeping the sail in a permant position. The next week should bring some suitable conditions. Yeaah!
Thanks a lot to Kerstin for the nice shots!!
On the way in. The Leitha hills in the background. @ Kerstin Reiger
Jibing with the 9,0 feels always special. And you know, the modern racejibe already got invented back in the 90ties@ Kerstin Reiger
Hörler Peter, one of the real Austrian racers and myself riding the lake.
@ Kerstin Reiger