Long time on the road
This was a tough ride back home from Sylt. I left the most northern German island on monday morning. It was the first morning with no wind and perfect surf. Around 1000 km further south I stopped at Munich, passed by my sponsors Starboard/Severne and the German SURF. Stevie Chismar, one of the editors, a good old friend, invited me to an Asian restaurant. Late in the afternoon I continued my trip driving further 500 km from Munich through the wonderful Bavaria to Vienna and Lake Neusiedler.
Was great being back, meeting my girlfriend and keep on doing my work. There are a lot of jobs to do, writing articles, getting vids done, repairing my broken sailbatton on the 9,0….
It was a long seasion, not my best race up in Sylt, but a good end in the overall ranking. I could finish 31 and feel a lot of progress. I really hope to create a good winter trainingsplan and can do even better in 2009.
Here are some impressions from Sylt and the ride back:
Thanks Henning for the shot and your greta support while rigging and derigging!!!