Lighter wind in Pozo
Today the wind was bit lighter on Slalom 42 course here at Pozo Izquierdo. I would aestimate the strength in between 30 and 35 knots. I had good luck today and could benefit from some overearlies of my opponents advancing to the second round and later on on the 17 th position. This was my best single result in a Slalom for a long time. Once I had a 13th in South Korea. Today I sailed on my every day setup: Isonic 86 with a Vector canfire and Code Red 5,1 2008. This setup has a wide windrange. Now we have 9 races sailed and two discards. In the moment I´m placed on the 31 position. I really hope that I can continue tomorrow like I finished today.
Jibing in a super strong gust (shot by John Carter / PWA worldtour 2008).
At the beach with my most used sail here, 5.1. Pic: Kerstin Reiger