Super nice windy day!

Today the nortwesterly wind kicked in at my homespot in Podersdorf. I could test my new AERO SL 6.6 together with the prototype mast 460. In the beginning the wind was a bit too light getting powered up, but later on 6 Beaufort kicked in. I took more downhaul and had such a nice speed sailing on the Isonic 101 with a 34 cm long Drake fin. Used my new Aeron Carbon Boom (180 – 230cm) for the first time and felt quite comfortable. The forecast looks good for friday. Anyway, it was great today, meeting a lot of friends and sailing with Kerstin together. She were on EVO 80 and on K-Onda 4.5. Should get a shot of her next time. I am really motivated and can not expect to be back on the water as soon as possible.

