Three legs are done
The ISA speed event had a bit of bad luck with the wind while the first three days. Super hot air arrived on the Canaries and the wind in Sotavenmto dropped. On the 1st of August the first race could be started. I could place on the 36th position. On the following day the wind picked up and the windangle was quite nice. As well we had realtively flat water. The race crew started two legs and I could beat my own record by 1.5 knots to 33.96 knots. The result was not super good, but it was a personal success for me. It motivates me to keep on training Speedsailing. I used my Isonic 87 Slalomboard with a MFC Slalom 30 cm fin and the Aero 6,6 m on a 460 mast from Challengersails.
Today it looks quite bad to get some wind and tomorrow I will leave together with Kerstin the Canaries.
The 5 weeks here were filled up with a lot of windsurfing action and work, but it was fully worth to go for it. Thanks to all people, who made it possible!!!
See you,
Pic: Kerstin Reiger