Windy in Podersdorf
Wind from northwestern or northern dircetions are the best ones at the lake Neusiedlersee. In the moment we have a lot of wind. The watertemperature is around 6° and the air around 10°. All fine! Much warmer compared to December, when the lake got frozen on the 23rd. The lake has a lot of water inside, a new record for many years. That´s great for the upcoming PWA worldcup Slaom event in the beginning of May.
I try to be as many hours as possible out there. Today the wind was fine for the 122 and the 9,0. While the next days the new masts and sails should arrive. Then it´s time to tune the gear. My GPS is ready.
The wind forecast for the upcoming days is excellent!
Thanks to Walter from for the nice pics!

Powered up on the 9,0 (pic:

Jibing quite close to the beach with a 48 cm long fin!! (pic: