A mixed up weekendprogramm

The weekend was full of activities. Out of the sporty view I try to keep on going in running and cycling, if there is not enogh wind. On saturday night my girlfriend and myself were invited to listen to the words of author Paul Grote, who was reading out of his recently published wine detective story. The German author visited the lake Neusiedler lake last year, to find stuff for  the story. I got the chance to introduce the passionate horse rider into riding the windsurfboard . So windsurfing got  many pges a s a topic  in his latest book “Verschwörung beim Heurigen”. While the little breaks of reading we got the chance to test exquisit wines from the region produced by Mrs. Braunstein from Purbach.

On sunday we went for a windsurfsession, which ended in a desaster. Thewind dropped totally. I was on  the 9.2 and could plan a bit. Kerstin had notthat much with her 5.7.

The wind should be back on Tuesday and Wednesday.

All the best,


Paul Grote and myself  with his exciting book


Nice update in an Austrian newspaper
